MahjongRush - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I play on an iPad or other tablet or mobile device? I don't see the games in the App Store.

The games are not in the App Store. These are web games that you play in a browser. Simply open a browser of your choice on your iPad (or other mobile device) and navigate to and start playing, just as you would on a computer.

What do all of the Game Settings do? (a.k.a. Why don't the tiles automatically play to the bottom when I've won the game?)

Game Settings are preferences that you can set and apply to all games, persisting from one session to the next. (You must have cookies enabled to use this feature persistently.)

Game Settings are available at the top of each game on the right side of the game:

What future plans are there for MahjongRush?

MahjongRush has plans to add many more layouts and also some major variations of the game rules.

What should the ads on MahjongRush generally look like?

The ads on MahjongRush will generally be placed as one ad above the game and one ad below the game, at a sufficient distance so that you will not accidentally click on them while playing the games. Also, there may be other ads at various locations on the page. Occasionally there may be a full-page ad between page navigations or other game events. The ads will not automatically play sounds, and they should not cover any content except full-page ads.

What if I see an advertisement that is inappropriate or ads that are quite different from what is outlined in the previous question?

We make every attempt to keep ads on MahjongRush unobtrusive and family-friendly. We have decided to filter and even ban advertisements (at a significant cost to us) that we feel are inappropriate, controversial, or polarizing. This includes restricting ads for Gambling, Sex, Politics, Religion, and many more fringe-type ads. We also try our best to filter out ads that have no real message, such as those large "Download Now" type ads, but that is an ongoing battle. If you see an ad that you think goes too far outside of these bounds, then please report it, and we'll do our best to address it. For more information regarding controlling ads, see our Privacy Policy.

We can assure you that MahjongRush does not serve any ad that pops up a new browser window or that opens a new tab within your browser. If you are seeing ads like this or many ads that overlay the content of the site, then those ads are originating from another source and NOT from MahjongRush. Sometimes, there are browser add-ons or other malicious software that may be installed on your computer that are putting ads over our content. If that is happening to you, go into your browser settings and disable add-ons until you find what program is serving those ads.

You can also download and run anti-malware software such as AdAware and MalwareBytes, which will help find problems such as these. These are reliable and trusted products that we've used for years, and we highly recommend them. They both have free versions.

What does "NO GIMMICKS" mean?

We are serious when we say "NO GIMMICKS." You won't see something pop up when you are really just trying to close the browser. We won't make you jump through hoops to play our games. You do not need to sign up or install anything to play. You can go right into any game and literally be playing in about 10 seconds.

What can I do to support MahjongRush?

The most important thing you can do is to visit often!

Please share our games with your family and friends on Facebook and other social sites. Also, if you have a website, please link to us.

On a more serious note, we'd really appreciate it if, while on, you would whitelist us in any ad-blocking software you may be running. We are trying our best to be responsible ad publishers. Thanks!