MahjongRush Help


All MahjongRush games run on any computer or mobile device that supports HTML5 technology. Any modern browser should be able to play our games. It is recommended that players keep their browsers updated to the latest version of the browser of their choice. Most modern browsers now do this automatically.

If you can see the HTML5 logo below this paragraph, then you should be able to play MahjongRush games.

If the games get stuck on the Loading screen.

Most people never experience any problems with the games. But if you do, here are a few things you can do to fix or narrow down the problem:

Information about Sounds

Audio support in HTML5 has improved greatly in the last few years. But older browsers do not support HTML5 Audio well enough to use. If audio is important to you, then we highly recommend using a more modern and up-to-date browser such as Chrome, Edge, or Firefox.

Some older devices also will not support audio. For example, very old iPads and very old versions of the Safari browser have been discontinued by Apple and these will not support audio.

Other Problems:

You may find answers to common questions in our Frequently Asked Questions FAQ area.

If you are having other problems not mentioned here or these solutions did not work for you, please feel free to contact us for further support.

IMPORTANT: To get the best response, please explain the problem with as many details as possible. It helps tremendously if you include at least the following information: